
How to Prevent Problems of Ears

According to studies, the five most common ear problems in the UK are hearing loss (35% of the population), otitis (23%), cerumen plugs (15%), Tinnitus (15%), and dizziness (9%). This Study on Problems of Ears reveals that 32% of the population does not do anything to prevent ear problems with proper hygiene, but that just let it go alone the dirt or endure until the plug is increased and he had no choice but to go to the doctor's office so that it is extracted. For his part, 36% use sticks to remove the wax, and 18% use water solutions, Marine. The remaining percentage, composed of 6% of the population, uses rudimentary methods such as introducing fingers or other sharp objects like hairpins or candles.

Tips to prevent ear infections:

Summer is a time when earaches are common in many people. It is an annoying sensation that on numerous occasions contains other major problems behind which we must remedy. But they are not something that can be remedied, and for that reason, it will simply be enough to follow a series of tips. The heat, the baths on the beach and in the pool, the pressure changes for travel... are some of the factors that trigger an earache. The symptoms of this malaise are usually pricks, infection, headache, pus, redness, and even hearing loss.

This problem has many degrees, and there are cases of mild ear infections and others much more serious that can lead to something worse. Therefore, it is important to know how to prevent them from occurring. The reasons that cause an ear infection can be diverse. One of the most common is the accumulation of cerumen on the walls of the ear. This what it does is create plugs that ultimately end up bothering and resulting in pain. Another cause is infection by fungi or bacteria, very loud noises, changes in pressure, perforation of the eardrum, some elements or chemical substances that negatively affect our ears...

All the causes described above can end up triggering an ear infection, therefore it is important that we go ahead and know how to put the remedy before this happens. Therefore it is essential to adopt a series of measures and more in the summer months in which the abuses are usually greater.

First of all, it is essential to maintain good hygiene in the ears. It is important to keep them clean and dry to avoid the proliferation of fungi and bacteria. But when performing these cleanings we must avoid the use of objects that are introduced into the ear and can damage the eardrum. For this reason, we should avoid using swabs or any object that can damage the walls that make up the ear hole. In summer we usually spend a lot of time in the water.

The pool and the beach are a good attraction, but the pressure of the water can do a lot of damage to the ears, just like the water itself, which can become infected. To prevent this from happening, and especially if we are predisposed to suffer from ear infections, we must use plugs that will help us maintain proper ear hygiene. The same happens when we use chemical products to clean the ears. It is important that we take special care with what we apply to prevent the ear from reacting against this substance through an infection. That is why it is important that we know at all times what we apply to the ear.

Along with this pressure and altitude of flights and other movements can do much damage to the health of the ears, because these sudden changes can inflame the ear and make us hurt. If this happens, we should simply wait for the ears to become accustomed to the pressure, we should never give them up with techniques that do more harm than good to our ears.

I am a freelance writer and web developer.

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How to Prevent Problems of Ears How to Prevent Problems of Ears Reviewed by One Minute Food on May 20, 2021 Rating: 5

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